Have an environmental and societal approach while being more profitable

Precise knowledge of the number of parcels per street and street number allows to define the most suitable vehicle and optimize routes.

Have an environmental and societal approach while being more profitable

Last-mile delivery services

Our platform optimizes routes by grouping deliveries and returns flows, you deliver and collect parcels through the same route, the groupage can be single or multi-loaders. The type of vehicles required (capacity, heat engine or electric motor), calculation of route time and distance to be travaelled become simple.

Key figures

1.7 billion

Number of parcels delivered yearly in France


Inoperable addresses rate by TMS

40 000

last mile delivery companies computerization is bad


TMS (Transport Management System) manages the delivery drivers’ routes thanks to batches of parcels transmitted by the loader. Delivery data include recipients address, even when they are poorly written or unusable.

The deliverer must then manage, in his truck, the manual sorting of parcels according to the prescribed routes, the recipient calls and finally the undeliverable parcels in return. This disorganization impacts costs and CO2 emmisssion on the last mile and penalizes the level of quality perceived by recipients.


Our platform processes single or multi-loaders delivery files allowing the deliverer:

  • to merge delivery files from several shippers (groupage and massification platform)
  • to extract undeliverable parcels from the tour (address validation tool)
  • to group parcels by street number then by street (address indexation tool)
  • to geocode each address (Address enrichment tool based on country registry data)

At the end of the process, the deliverer will be able to organize his tour optimally by covering as few kilometers as possible and choosing the most appropriate vehicle.


  • AFNOR writing of address
  • Enrichment of cadastral GPS.
  • Classification of addresses by street and street number
  • Cluster indexation of clusters according to their delivery densities
  • Integration into existing customer IS infrastructure via API

Test for free by submitting a file of 1000 addresses